Faser UVRES: pipes made of PP-RCT perfect for open-air chemical plants

Faser UVRES: le tubazioni in PP-RCT perfette per impianti chimici a cielo aperto

Faser UVRES: pipes made of PP-RCT perfect for open-air chemical plants

The latest generation of fiber-reinforced pipes by Aquatechnik, made of PP-RCT WOR (White Oxidation Resistance), were created out of the experience gained in the US market, where water disinfection treatments in water systems are much more aggressive. Therefore, we opted for the use of a specific white masterbatch in all fiber-reinforced pipes to increase their resistance to thermo-oxidative attacks.

The chemically inert PP-R, the starting material used to make the new pipes, is ideal to convey any type of liquid.

Moreover, the thermofusion welding, typical of polypropylene, removes any  possible weak spots. The PP-RCT + WOR technology proved to be up to 40 times more resistant to oxidant agents compared to normal PP-R. The actual behaviour of any pipe system exposed to a specific chemical substance depends largely on the exposure conditions, such as temperature and pressure, mechanical and thermal stress and on the auxiliary materials of the system, such as joints, O-rings and the like. For this reason, to convey chemical products, we evaluate each application separately: we therefore invite to consult our technical office to find the most adequate solution.


Faser UVRES: multilayer pipes for installations exposed to UV rays

The pipe systems made of polypropylene are known for their resistance and longevity, since they can be used up to 50 years without performance loss. However, like all materials, PP-R is also sensible to prolonged exposure to ultraviolet rays (UV) that can accelerate the aging and degradation process. The range of Fiber-reinforced multilayer pipes UVRES stands out for the black external layer: it is coated with a special mixture capable of resisting direct exposure to UV radiations. These systems are developed specifically for use

in open-air and in sunny areas, thanks to an innovative stabilizer, extruded in the pipe external layer. The significative decrease in degradation to atmospheric agents of faser UVRES was proved thanks to an accelerated aging test with a “weather-o-meter”, with results that show a resistance to UV increased by over 30 times compared to normal polypropylene. Moreover, the installation is even faster and easier because it is not required to remove the external foil before polyfusion, unlike the classic systems with a EVOH barrier. The faser UVRES pipes are also suitable to be in contact with potable water, for installations without the need of protection the civilian and industrial sectors that operate in open-air, such as shipyards and agricultural use.


Up to standard in any market: the versatility of the faser UVRES system

Reliability and safety for technologically advanced pipes, make UVRES an ideal solution for all markets and for designers and installers that demand the best for simple installations, unparalleled performance, longer life-span and multiple applications, among them heating plants, mechanical plants and sanitary water conveying plants. Faser UVRES is available in SDR 7,4 and SDR 11. The raw materials used, PP-RCT WOR, PP-RF e PP-R, feature low thermical conductivity and reduced internal roughness. Pipes with a diameter range from Ø 3’’ to 12’’ (from 90 to 315 mm) were used to realise the plants for this chemical factory in the USA.

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