Main features
Also the Multi-eco pipes, as Multi-calor ones, are available in pre-insulated version. The insulating material, which constitutes the coating of the pipe, is a closed-cell polyethylene foam with a water vapour diffusion resistance factor µ of approximately 5000 and a thermal conductivity λ =0.040 W/mK.
A low-density coloured polyethylene sheath is then extruded onto the insulating layer. The insulation, according to the reaction to fire characteristics, is in Class BL-s1-d0.
Application fields
Particularly suitable for hydro-sanitary, heating and air conditioning systems where energy-containment is required.
- High thermal insulation
- quick and cheap installation
Range from Ø 14 to Ø 32 mm (excluding Ø 18) with red and blue thermal insulations.
Multi-eco pipes are also available in bare version.